【111】PCR検査による幻想 - 大橋眞

4 years ago


I think many people believe that the new corovirus is spreading not only in Japan but also in the world. However, few can explain the definition of what a new corovirus is. Is there anyone in the world who can clearly explain the definition of the new corovirus?
Somehow, I think that many people have a vague image that a virus with a gene that is positive in the PCR test is a new corovirus. From the belief that this new corovirus is spreading a horrific disease, it seems that it is necessary to further expand the PCR test and isolate those who are positive for the PCR test as new coro-infected persons. What kind of virus is a positive PCR test?
Currently, the primers used for PCR tests are designed based on the gene sequence of the Nature paper published by the Chinese group. A gene whose primer part is similar to the Chinese paper reacts in the PCR test. According to a Chinese paper, it has a genomic gene with a total length of less than 30,000 base pairs, so the total length of the primer part, which is less than 100 bases, is just under one-thirtieth of the entire genomic gene. Thousands of mutants that react with the new coroprimer are already known. In addition, it also reacts with coronaviruses such as goats and papayas. Perhaps many animals and plants also respond to the new coroprimer. The primer design was not designed for viral species classification, but for convenience only for the PCR reaction. It is academically meaningless to classify viruses that react with this primer into one group. However, for the time being, the virus that reacts with PCR will be called the new roller group. The pathogenicity of many new corogroup mutants is largely unknown. There is no evidence of a pathogenic link between responding to new coroprimers. Theoretically, the relationship between reaction to this primer and pathogenicity cannot be explained. Even if there is a pathogenic virus that reacts with this primer, it is only a part of the whole new coro group. Apparently, the image that this PCR-positive new corovirus group was the pathogenic cause of the spread of a horrific disease seems to be an illusion created by the turmoil of people and cruise ships falling on the streets of Wuhan, China. School closures nationwide and media coverage also enhanced that image.
Can those who appeal for the expansion of PCR testing get out of the illusion of a terrifying pathogen epidemic? The challenge for the future is to share wisdom on how to return to the original world from the illusionary world of masks, three-cs avoidance, vaccines, and medicines.

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