【86】PCRは、悪用されると騒動になる - 大橋眞

4 years ago


The local viral load in respiratory tract infections such as influenza peaks after the incubation period and causes symptoms such as fever. The peak viral load is over 1 million. If it is a pathogen virus, a similar increase in viral load can be seen. To test for pathogen viruses using PCR, limiting PCR amplification to low levels and using pathogen virus-specific primer sets can approximately coincide with the onset of symptoms and the time when PCR becomes positive. It will be possible. In other words, PCR can be used to diagnose infectious diseases. However, it is doubtful that it is versatile due to cost and technique.
On the other hand, if PCR amplification is performed with high sensitivity using a primer for a resident virus, the resident virus can be detected. Due to the small number of resident viruses, not all can be detected, but a certain percentage will be PCR positive. Using this principle, it is possible to pretend that an outbreak cluster has occurred in which several people around one PCR-positive person become PCR-positive. When you have a cold or other symptoms, you may be more likely to become positive due to weakened immunity. However, even healthy people will be positive at a certain rate if PCR tests are performed on many people. By using such a mechanism, it is possible to produce an infectious disease in which asymptomatic people become the source of infection. It is also possible to create a society in which even healthy people must wear masks. If there is a politician who abuses such a mechanism, it will be possible to produce infectious diseases and leadership to suppress infectious diseases, and fear will be caused by the enforcement of vaccines and the enforcement of human rights restrictions such as movement restrictions. There is a danger of a dictatorship that uses to control people.
The above is just a hypothesis, but by comparing it with what is actually happening, we will decide whether the hypothesis is correct or should be rejected. Making such a hypothesis and finding the cause of what is actually happening is the practice of a scientific approach to investigating the cause.

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