【78】PCRの発明者 キャリーマリス博士の遺言を読み解く - 大橋眞

4 years ago


Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, died a mysterious death, leaving behind the words, "PCR should not be used to diagnose infectious diseases." Contrary to Dr. Maris's will, PCR tests are used to diagnose infectious diseases in this uproar, which began as if waiting for his death. Since the pathogen has a gene sequence different from that of the host genome, it should be an excellent method that can specifically detect the pathogen gene. Moreover, since the sensitivity is extremely high, it should be theoretically possible to test for pathogens with specificity and high sensitivity. So what's the problem?
Normally, in order to establish a diagnostic method for pathogen detection, we design to detect a sequence specific to a specific pathogen in the pathogen gene. This can be a powerful clue to detect the gene of a specific pathogen and to know the existence of the pathogen. However, in this uproar, one researcher did not identify the pathogen gene. A group in China has begun PCR testing around the world based on reports that have sequenced the viral genome from fluids taken from the lungs of severe pneumonia. Eventually, several scientific papers were published stating that one PCR-positive person came into contact with the asymptomatic period as well. This created the image that it is a pathogen of infectious diseases with strong transmission power that is transmitted from asymptomatic people. However, because we have not done any pre-testing, we cannot say that the indigenous virus that each person originally had is a contagious pathogen. Moreover, even in the subsequent papers, there is no description that it is related to the progression of the medical condition and the increase in the viral load that is a local problem. The same applies to animal infection experiments. The identity of the virus used for infection and the virus propagated in the animal has not been confirmed. That is, there is no evidence that the virus in question is the pathogen. Given these facts, it is reasonable to assume that the virus in question is resident rather than pathogen.
If the gene sequence of the paper published by the Chinese group is that of a resident virus, it is easy to imagine that this would happen. Moreover, this group has not determined that this gene is a gene for a pathogen virus. The other groups that cited this treatise conducted research on the premise that it was a pathogenic virus, and as a result, the fictional idea of ​​infection from asymptomatic individuals was created.
If a resident virus is regarded as a pathogen and PCR is used to diagnose infectious diseases, it can also be used as a means of isolating healthy people. An isolated society can be created in which innocent people are freely sent to prison. Dr. Maris's will is thought to have this meaning.

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