【46】コロナ騒動を引き起こしたデマ情報を理解する - 大橋眞

4 years ago


The basis of the corona turmoil is thought to be hoax information. The media is deeply involved in this. Originally, hoax information has caused confusion in society by disseminating false information to people. What they have in common is that people are involved in it.
By observing nature and society with doubts, science creates a hypothesis considering the possibility that a theory different from the conventional wisdom exists, and investigates and experiments to verify whether this hypothesis is correct. It consists of a cycle of considering the position of the hypothesis. There is no human intervention there. However, it is a difficult task to observe and make a hypothesis, so some powers have been acting on their behalf to create a power structure. By entering hoax information here, a mechanism for people to control people is completed.
In order to understand the truth of this corona turmoil and take action to resolve it, it is necessary to escape from hoax information. To that end, it is necessary to regain the habit of observing society and nature, which are the basic systems of science, and thinking for oneself.

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