【26】自粛に科学的根拠なし、強制ワクチン接種・管理社会への道 - 大橋眞

4 years ago


There is no scientific basis for the idea that self-restraint can prevent the spread of infection. The idea that healthy people should refrain from doing so comes from the story that asymptomatic people can be a source of infection. The scientific basis for this story, a paper published by a German group, uses the PCR method for diagnosis. The basis for this PCR method is a treatise published by a Chinese group in Nature, but they do not isolate the virus and do not say it is a source of infection. In addition, the gene sequence is determined by using the patient's lung as a sample, which is unreliable.
Forced vaccination by brainwashing, forcing the people to refrain from using the wonders of the virus, and guiding the people to the story that all the people must be vaccinated in order to get out of this self-restraint society. It is necessary to think from a global perspective that it is part of the plan to bring it into a managed society.

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