It's Winter in the alps and you can't ski. Is there anything to?

4 years ago


It is winter in the alps. the mountains are covered in snow and it is so beautiful. when it is winter in the alps you go skiing it is just what you do. But you don't ski. is there anything to do in the alps if you don't ski. Well yes, today we are talking about sledding. so normally when you think of sledding you think of walking up the hill in the freezing cold. as you are walking up some kid comes down and takes you out. But not in the alps. In the alps, they have these sledding areas on ski slopes so you ride up the chair lift with your sled and then you ride down basically ski slopes. It was surprising when I first came here and I see these guys go by on sleds. I was like what is going on. That would never be allowed in America but it is allowed in the alps and it is super cool. I am with a couple of other guys over here and we are going to check this out. So basically this is how it works. You have this groomed trail here. it is marked on either side. you just ride down the trail. you can go as fast or as slow as you want to. Ok, so these things are hard to steer. There has to be some sort of technique. But I do not know it. So we are crashing a lot. so pretty much every ski area in the alps has some sort of sledding run like this. This one has these sit skis. Manuel is trying them at it is a lot faster. \alright this is my first time doing this and I have got to say this is a lot of fun. If you don't ski you should try this. even if you do ski you should try it. thanks for watching our video.

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