Bodyweight Workout in 20 Minutes

4 years ago

🕑 Workout Time: ~ 20 Minutes
✅ No Equipment Required.
❤️ Living a Forever Fit Life ❤️

Welcome to Body Weight Workout in 20 Number 1.
Today’s workout is a “no equipment” workout. You might wanna have a mat and maybe a chair as well. Actually a coffee table in your living room can be of help as well.
Workout is short, only 20 minutes.
There will be a 4 minute warmup. Don't skip it!
From there you will have 2 Blocks of Work.
Each block has 3 moves, 3 rounds, 45 sec on the first round, 30 sec on the last two rounds. Transition between moves is quick.
The hardest move here is likely the combination of 4 Jumping Jacks and Burpees. The burpees can be facilitated if you use a chair, or a coffee table, or even your couch when you come down to a plank.
Now note that on the first round of each Block, I will show modifications.

Instagram: @life4everfit @angelaesau
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🏋️‍♂️Affiliate links
Fitness Clothes: Pineapple Clothing: Get a discount with Code: Code: angesa
Balance Ball:
Mini Bands:
2 Pairs of Dumbbells a lighter one and a heavier one
5lb Dumbbells Vinyl Encased in a pair -
7lb Dumbbells Vinyl Encased in a pair -
10lb Dumbells Rubber Encased (order 2 -
Yoga Mat:
Kettle Bell :

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This video is not sponsored, the products used or seen in this video were purchased and paid for with our own money.

As with all physical fitness and exercise routines, you should be in good health and consult a physician prior to starting any intense exercise. These fitness exercises, like any physical sport, may cause injuries or harm. By participating in or watching or following along with these routines you agree that you are doing them voluntarily and you are responsible and liable, for any and all outcomes including injuries or damages that may occur. You agree that you release all entities and individuals involved in its production and distribution of any and all liability. And also release them from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of negligence. You agree that you are doing these exercises at your own risk. The bottom line is to know your body, use common sense, check with your medical physician and stay healthy.

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