FOREIGN INTERFERENCE 2020! CHINA, IRAN says DNI John Ratcliffe Dec 18 for Executive Order 13848

4 years ago

In this episode of Lumberjack Logic we look over what Bill Barr’s resignation letter may mean. We also discuss the report from DNI John Ratcliffe, who oversees the 17 intelligence agencies. According to Ratcliffe there was foreign interference by China, Russia, and Iran in the 2020 elections. The officer of the DNI also acknowledged yesterday that the December 18th deadline set forth by EO 13848 will not be met. True made the Executive Order back in 2018 due to intelligence reports about potential foreign interference.

#electioninterference #williambarr #johnRatcliff #DNI #China #election2020

Can Trump still win?

Article on William Barr’s Resignation Letter -

Link to Video of CBS Intel reporter Catherine Herridge-

Yahoo News coverage of Catherine Herridge’s interview -

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