EGO 2.0: Liberals Take a Knee on The Anthem | Totalitarian Complaints, Control, Confusion & Comedy (2017)

3 years ago

Since they truly believe they can OCCUPY THE TRUTH, Liberalism MUST then be an ACTUAL MENTAL DISORDER. So is this video making fun of sick people? I really do not want to do that…

But I’ll take my chances. THEY wrote this, not me!

So…did watching the absurdity of this knee-bent behavior make you laugh…or make you angry? If your choice is anger, don’t blame it on the video. It must be that you can’t control your emotions.

Here are 10 simple steps on how to fix that:

1. Confess that you are not the manager of the universe.
2. Confess that you do not own the truth.
3. Stop thinking you are a victim and life owes you something.
4.“Man-up” and stop being so sensitive. Consider what it does to others!
5. Mind your own business. Leave others alone.
6. Put something INTO life instead of just taking from it.
7. Be grateful: stop complaining and blaming.
8. Discover humility. Learn to be able to laugh at yourself!
9. Thank God for rescuing you from your ego.
10. Join the quest to find out WHAT made you act like you did.

Welcome back to reality!

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