He Came Here

4 years ago

Jesus, He Came To Us! I hope we never get over that. God in the flesh. He felt what we feel, understands us like no other, as He has experienced how we live, laugh and love. Jesus, His perspective of us, of our lives from birth to adulthood, He got firsthand. He knows the human condition, He felt rejection, betrayal, and being wounded and killed by the hands of those who thought they knew something they did not know. Never forget, this amazing wonder of our God: He Came Here To Us, He Pursued Us. I hope during this Christmas Season, You know that there is nothing God has not done for us, this Christmas Savior, He loved and loves us excellently. God is and will be the all of our everything, a trustworthy Way-Maker God. Befriend God. “Talk It Up” to Him today, connect, “Heart TO Heart”. Our Christmas Messiah, He Is Listening – He Cares And He Responds To Us With His Purposeful Providential Care.

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