Black Virgin Mountain, Vietnam

3 years ago

In 2015, before going to Vietnam, I searched the internet on pictures or videos of what the Black Virgin Mountain was. I saw nothing but pictures from a long forgotten war. This mountain is spectacular. At 3,268 feet high, an extinct cinder cone Volcano located on the flat Mekong Delta, near the Cambodian border. It looks like a pile of boulders Giants must have put there to clear out the flat lands. There are a number of cable gondolas taking you to various locations on the mountain, but none taking you to the top. There is a beautiful Temple complex to visit at the top of the gondola. You can hike up the mountain from the bottom, and camp on top, but be prepared for a rather extreme temperature difference at night. Once on the mountain, near the temple you can ride a rollercoaster down to the bottom if you are daring enough.

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