CIVIL WAR! What's Your Plan?

4 years ago

Chapter 5 Day 5

CIVIL WAR! What’s Your Plan?

“No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.” This quote by Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, Cheif of Staff of the Prussian army before WWII, sums up where FREEDOM SEEKERS may find themselves today.

Look to your left, and look to your right, not politically rather actually, and this group of 3 will make a difference. The difference in this civil war could be made by not doing anything. No-action has made the difference as many times as action in the world we live in today.

Let’s begin with a simple premise. All the big changes in the world have been made by small groups of people. We sometimes believe that there are huge numbers of people that all agree, think exactly one way, and act in some sort of Star Trekkie version of the Borg. Some younger people may not be familiar with Star Trek or know that the Borg,

“…are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called "the Collective". The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of "assimilation": forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones" by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components.” Wikipedia

Although we would love to attribute that characteristic to some groups of people today, in this discussion, for now, we’ll call it fiction. No one really believes exactly the same way and therefore this effect for the most part does not exist.
What happens with humans is sort of the opposite. A few thought leaders enroll a small group of people that believe in a similar way and they create plans, work together and move society, governments and transform the world for good, or not so good.

This civil war would be the same. Thought leaders on both sides are planning, enrolling and moving larger groups of people with their ultimate goal in mind. Again, one side is interested in taking freedom, promising to get stuff from the ones that have stuff, or are in the process of getting stuff, and giving it to “the people that want it.” Simple.

What we need is a simple actionable plan and take action. Although our plan will not survive first contact with the enemy, we still need a starting place and then take action. That’s where PRINCIPLES come into usefulness. Tomorrow we will get back to applying PRINCIPLES of Life Defense!

Allen Hughes Life Defense Evangelist

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