APACT: 2020/12/09 - Is Copyright Infringement A Sin?

4 years ago

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss the morality of copyrights and patents, and both from a religious perspective and a legal one. Do content producers have some sort of natural right to their creations? Do we have a natural obligation to abide by current copyright infringement law? Is downloading movies a sin? And when should the Church own prayer?

In current events, New Zealand announces 'climate change emergency'. California wildfires, once again, destroying property. China brings back a piece of the moon, and Japan brings back a piece of an asteroid… the asteroid piece is a much bigger deal. SpaceX Starship crashes. Breakdancing is now a competition in the Olympics. Nepal and China agree on Mt. Everest height.

In the land of nonsense, an Amazon worker draws something on someone's window. Someone finds a giant goldfish. Pope Francis joins the 'capitalists.'

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