♥️ [Get Ready For Amazing Life To Come, Positive Energy Release, Meditate, Fall in Love, Happiness]

4 years ago

Welcome to Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. We are happy you’re here. [Get Ready For Amazing Life To Come, Positive Energy Release, Meditate, Fall in Love, Happiness, prepare, hope chest, visit, plan, do, fill that chest, your heart that holds the dream, new life, good things, anticipate good things, believe you deserve, look forward, Smooth Jazz, Relaxing Romantic Night, Study Music, Positive Energy Release, Fall in Love, Smile, Sweet Dreams, Dream Big, Insomnia, Study Music, Yoga, Positive Energy Release, Love For Life - Fortune Cookie Meditation Channel].

Are you anticipating good things? Do you believe you deserve good things? Are you looking forward to good things to come in your life? Consider those questions carefully. You can examine how you’re living your life by asking yourself those questions. How? Well, people who expect good things to come, prepare for them. For example, if you have a dear friend visiting your new home for the first time and you haven’t seen each other in years, wouldn’t you clean up your place and prepare for their visit? You may even buy new linens or paint that shabby wall. You may plant flowers and tidy up your yard. You may even start to eat better and take a little better care of yourself in anticipation of your reunion. You do all of those things because you know what’s going to happen – your visit is planned, you have a date set. Now, let’s say you don’t have a date and the visit isn’t planned yet, you probably don’t have the same sense of urgency as the other scenario, but why not? Why must you wait until you KNOW something is going to happen before you prepare for it? What if by preparing for it, you encourage it to happen sooner?

Everything we do in life is getting ready for something, so why not get ready for what you want now? Mow that lawn, wash those dishes, make your bed, get your car washed; do whatever needs doing to set yourself up for a readiness for something you want. It doesn’t have to be a long lost friend’s visit, it could be a new job, or a new house, like back in the day, girls would keep hope chests. They would fill that chest with all the lovely things they will put in their home when they married. Family members would gift them beautiful table linens, dishes, blankets, and other items that would make their new home, their new life, enjoyable. What are you filling in your hope chest? Your hope chest doesn’t need to be a physical thing, it can be a place in your heart that holds the dream of your new life. Fill it with all the good things you plan on having, prepare for your tomorrow by doing what you can do today. There is always something to get ready for.


Fortune Cookie Meditation channel. Two new videos are released every week with the intent to help you balance your energy, body and mind. You may enjoy the nature sounds for your yoga meditation or to drift off to a peaceful sleep. Let us provide you with proven ways to relax, unwind, meditate and cleanse your mind.


Quote of the day: “Readiness is the mother of luck.” ~ Baltasar Graciano


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Fortune Cookie Meditation, prepare, hope chest, visit, plan, do, fill that chest, your heart that holds the dream, new life, good things, anticipate good things, believe you deserve, look forward, Happy Thanksgivings Day, Blessings, walking, dancing, skipping, running, climbing, imagine, capable, healthy, thankful, working, mindful, what matters, gratitude, spirit, celebrate, happy, every day, restorative ritual, happy, Chakra, Calm, 528Hz, Sleep Music, Transformation, The Meditative Mind, 528 Hz Benefits, Frequency Healing, Solfeggio Music, 528 Hz Miracle Tone, Meditative Mind, meditative mind, mindfulness, solfeggio frequency music, 528hz meditation music, relaxing, vibration, balance, optimism, subconscious, believe, guidance, inspiration, Visualization, gratitude, Law of Attraction, Tranquility, Successful Life, manifest money, Abundance, Self-care is self-love, Sweet Dreams, Dream Big, hope is essential, cultivate hope, present moment, gentle reminder, pay attention, deep breath, fresh air, new, invigorating, new lease on life, feel energized, enlivened, take the plunge, present moment, gentle reminder, deep breath, fresh air, new, new lease on life, feel energized, take the plunge, relaxing, vibration, mediation, interconnected, yin, yang, balance, Release Struggle, uncertainty, optimism, success, focus, self-discipline, subconscious, action, believe, guidance, attention, creation, silence, inspiration, calm, Insomnia, Visualization, Balance, Awakening, gratitude, Law of Attraction, Tranquility ,manifest, Trust, Love, Abundance,



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