Will The Real You Please Stand Up

4 years ago

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I can’t really think of anything worse than standing at the end of your life and looking back to see that you were never the real you. You just blended into the crowd. You never stood for what you believed in. You just existed.

As entrepreneurs, you must, be authentic and can not be double minded. To be two people in your mind will lead you to being tossed around by every wind. Be comfortable with yourself. This will take some onion peeling. Many of us have covered up who we really are that we have almost forgotten the real us. Listen and follow these scriptures and the real you will come back to life.

Proverbs 10:9 tells us: He who walks purely walks securely, but he who walks in crooked ways will be found out.

2 Corinthians 1:12 says: For we take pride in this: that our conscience assures us that in our dealings with the world, and especially with you, we have conducted ourselves with frankness and godly pureness of motive — not by worldly wisdom but by God-given grace.

Luke 11:34 says: The lamp of your body is the eye. When you have a ‘good eye,’ [that is, when you are generous,] your whole body is full of light; but when you have an ‘evil eye,’ [when you are stingy,] your body is full of darkness.

James 1:12 says: How blessed is the man who perseveres through temptation! For after he has passed the test, he will receive as his crown the Life which God has promised to those who love him.

Action step:

Commit to you and your family that you will be who you are meant to be in Messiah. Make a conscious effort to follow 2 Corinthians 1:12 and deal with the world, with frankness and godly pureness of motive. Take the small steps of honestly seeking the betterment of others as well for you. This process should benefit both parties.

Grateful To Share
Remember, We're Going Up!

Troy aka Pac

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