Winter driving through Issaquah

4 years ago

It’s winter time, right before Christmas. Sometimes we have nice winter days. I chose this nice day to video a drive to Issaquah from Renton. Looks great outside, but it’s almost freezing. As soon as the sun sets it will be below freezing. Still a Beautiful day. We’re heading up to Snoqualmie pass to play in the snow so stay tuned for snow videos. I mounted the Go Pro camera on the outside of the windshield using the standard Go Pro camera suction mount. I have a recovery rope tied to the camera just in case, and have a USB charging cable running from the accessory charging port through the sun roof, to the camera so I don’t have to swap batteries.
This seems to be a great setup the pictures are much clearer and brighter.

If you like the video, please click on the like button to let me know I should make more like this. And please hit the subscribe button if you want to keep informed of when I put out new videos.
I generally put out video’s on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays every week.

Music courtesy of Envato Elements Music

Blues On AlexanderRufire 1:52
The Blues Rock RageGuitarStudio 2:24
Blues selection LoopsLab 2:21
Blues Rock FUNTOMASS 1:28
Blues StockWaves 0:57

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