The Feasts and the Faithful (Part 1 of 4)

3 years ago

If you, or someone you know is considering the validity of celebrating the Biblical festivals—God's festivals, this video is a must see, even if you already celebrate His festivals. I ask you to take the time to investigate this subject for yourself. If you are not sure about them you owe it to God and, more importantly, yourself to find out about "The Feasts and the Faithful—The Rest of the Story"; this is the part that very few ministers and pastors are making known.

Even if you have already accepted them as God's appointed times to meet with His people I encourage you to view this presentation; it will give you new insights into His purposes and blessings in these special occasions. You will get to know Him better as you explore the meaning He has put into these appointed times.

The festivals are not only commemorative but also prophetic. They reveal what God has done and is about to do for us. For example, the Passover is commemorative of two great events in the Plan of Salvation—His deliverance of Israel from the Egyptian bondage, and His deliverance of us from bondage and the wages of sin in the sacrifice of the Son of God nearly 2000 years ago. The Passover is also prophetic of our ultimate deliverance from even the presence of sin and into the heavenly Canaan. The Messiah was very clear when He told this to the disciples at the last Passover He shared with them. "He said to them, "I have wanted so much to eat this Passover meal with you before I suffer! For I tell you, I will never eat it until it (the Passover) is given its full meaning in the Kingdom of God." (Luke 22:15​, 16 GNB). The Passover has not reached its fulfillment even as yet. We are still looking for its fulfillment. The Passover is all about passing over from this land of bondage to the ultimate Land of Promise. This is the Gospel!

God's festivals of the Bible have never been done away with, at least not by Him. The Bible declares that God's enemy did this; it is recorded in Daniel 7:25​. Read Daniel 7:25​ in as many translations as you can find. This one is from the Good News Bible "He will speak against the Supreme God and oppress God's people. He will try to change their religious laws and festivals, and God's people will be under his power for three and a half years." As you study this topic it will not take long before you realize that God does not change in regard to the Holiness of His Holy Days. Please watch this video; you will be glad you did!

Sincerely in our Messiah

Tom Stapleton

PS. Please visit our website:​ for more information.

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