12-12-20 Washington DC

4 years ago

Hey. Im no commentator.. This was for my friends and family.. Trying to show them the real world. Because they are blind to the real news and REAL events.... and TRUTH. I watched this play out from a distance. There were a few bad actors. But the Proud boys were always respectful to the police and citizens. At least any legitimate ones that were actually part of the group and not the nerds like me that were kinda pissed that they ran us around the city all day and would not let regular citizens that went out there to simply protest all the injustices that have been perpetuated not only by our own government but the Main Stream Media as well. Google, amazon fbook, twitter. all this big tech is coming for us. They are going to force us into taking the mark. Watch it unfold through the next decade. Pray for America my friends! Some might call me crazy... but I'm just being #real and telling the #truth

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