Rudy Giuliani Rolls Back Into the Fight, 3396

3 years ago

I’m still reporting on the coup. Former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani has bounced up out of his COVID-19 sickbed and back into the fray just in time to comment on whatever goes on tomorrow as the Electoral College votes in their respective State Capitols.
Giuliani was interviewed on Fox & Friends this morning, and the first question was, What’s Next?
He chastised the Supreme Court for not even allowing his arguments concerning the election into court for a hearing based on the argument that the states have insufficient standing to bring the case that Texas did and many states signed on to.
[insert to: “…it’s going to be heard today.”]
The Wisconsin case was heard today, however, the Wisconsin Supreme Court is highly divided along partisan lines and it will likely be up to the Chief Justice to decide where the majority lies. If the President’s attorneys win in Wisconsin, that announcement is expected at noon on Monday.
[insert to: “….”]

Rudy was then asked what he felt his strongest piece of evidence is.
[insert to: “… made up.”]
Rudy then re-emphasized how. ashamed of the Supreme Court that they would not even look at the mountain of evidence his team has compiled.
[from: “…very ashamed of… to: “… us a hearing.”

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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