Is America Good? Part 2: Thomas Jefferson Slave Owner, Abolitionist

4 years ago

Did America start in 1619 or 1776? Was it intended to elevate white people and always keep down people of color? Did America’s founders really believe in inalienable rights for all people or just the ones who looked like them? In this video we actually look at what Thomas Jefferson wrote about the inherent contradiction between his words in the Declaration of Independence and his life as a slave owner. What he actually thought will shock you and will also show that the original idea of America was a good one, meant to eventually free people of all races, religions, genders, and orientations.

#BLM #MAGA #1619 #1776 #america #alllivesmatter #bluelivesmatter #blacklivesmatter

Frederick Douglas Speech to Scottish Anti-slavery Society in Glasgow, 1860:

Thomas Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia:

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