Tokyo Christmas Market in Hibiya Park, Dec. 2020 2020年12月日比谷公園の東京クリスマスマーケット

4 years ago

I wandered from the station to Hibiya Park where I braved a massive crowd of people to get lovely scenes from the 2020 Tokyo Christmas Market. It was my first time there -- and my first time at a German-style Christmas Market -- so I didn't know what to expect. The place was packed even though they were limiting the flow of people inside due to virus concerns, but I was able to weave my way around the people and get out with some really nice shots.

The first part of the video has a lot of shots outside of the main event, and ends right about the time I get to the part where I shoot the interior. I hope you like both. I used a Canon T3i/600d/Kiss X5 with the kit lens, so nothing particularly special there. I installed MagicLantern firmware and adjust the bitrate so I could get better image quality. No tripod or gimbal/steadicam was used -- just the in-lens stabilizer with hand focus. Lightly edited in Premiere Pro with 20% increase in sharpness and some mild Lumetri color dropped on and tweaked. I adjusted no brightness whatsoever -- did that on the fly on-cam!

Merry Christmas from Tokyo and I hope you enjoy! Please like, share, subscribe, comment, and send the love!

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