Jupiter-Saturn Conjunct - Age of Aquarius - Chaos - Golden Age

4 years ago

Script - Aquarius Age Ignition

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December 21, 2020

Jupiter/Saturn Conjunct in Aquarius - with Pluto haunting them.

Pluto in Capricorn

USA Pluto Return

Uranus in Taurus



Practical Applications

Institutions Strike: establishments: government, education, money system, old networks of power, regional power over 100 years old.

Monk effect: asceticism produces enormous spiritual power. Desk workers masturbating in government will not understand what hit them.



Central Banks

World Power

Sovereignty and State control

Crypto Power Examples

Move billions and trillions completely privately

Local control

Networks of cooperation based upon demonstrable assets: real estate, intellectual property, natural resources, and hard assets.

EMP Blast

Purpose: kill every computer in the world and wipe out all machine memory, hard-drives, etc.

Kills records of cryptocurrencies

But, if 10-20 computer survive, then Game Over! Also, DVD, CD’s, and other non-metallic based storage devices are immune to electromagnetic pulses.

Solution: store important information on plastic based devices like DVD.

Age of Pirates and Mafias!


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