What Did You Expect the Supreme Court to Do? December 12, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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What Did You Expect the Supreme Court to Do? December 12, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

I awoke today to cries of anguish and shouts of joy, as the two misbegotten sides of the political spectrum erupted in response to the news that the United States Supreme Court declined to hear arguments from the State of Texas, et alia.

As I pointed out yesterday, there is a dangerous confusion caused by using the word "State" to describe "Confederate States" that are actually State-of -State business organizations, and not actual States at all.

This exact confusion is what happened here.

The case in question was being raised by the State of Texas, not Texas.

As I also pointed out, such a suit would have to be entertained in Original Jurisdiction, which is only accessible when one State attacks another State in international jurisdiction.

So, Original Jurisdiction can't be accessed by the State of Texas for the same reason that the State of Texas, as an incorporated entity, can't legitimately invoke sovereign immunity.

A State, as I keep preaching, is not "the same as" a State-of-State.

The United States Supreme Court knows this as well as I do, and knows that a State-of-State that functions under corporate private law in international jurisdiction doesn't have the standing to enter Original Jurisdiction.

Texas, not the State of Texas, would have to bring the suit for it to be in Original Jurisdiction, and that is not even possible.

Why? Because the Cause --- election tampering involving a foreign-owned corporation's private elections --- is miles outside of Texas' interests and jurisdictions.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/12/what-did-you-expect-supreme-court-to-do.html

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