Raising Awareness in Stoke-on-Trent

4 years ago

Here are a few of the many great conversations I had while visiting my beautiful home town. Talking to people about how they can make primary observations to know with personal experience, instead of being misled by maintaining beliefs in secondary information.
I have found out that we are not insignificant and irrelevant nor lost in Space and I believe that everyone is better off knowing so 🤥😵🤔
Without indoctrination we are left to explore, investigate and most importantly, to imagine!
...Should we maintain blind faith in the official narrative, or would we do better, to question and expose all the conundrums?
Activism inspired by:
John Smith's Globe Lie 🛰️🌎🚀
We are being lied to about the dimensions of Earth, as no matter the distance, there is no measurable curvature at water level, Stars are clearly not over 20 trillion miles away by having made a video with a modern camera and watching in slow motion and that Moonlight chills water with 30 minutes during the waning phase by 2-3°F or even more if you use a magnifying glass. Labeling a mixture of people who are inquiring for reproducible evidence each with individual with different personal beliefs as "Flat Earthers" is not scientific, nor should it be socially acceptable as it is prejudice. Also defending an industrial source is sign of fanatism and is potentially dangerous 😵
*Earth is either flat or a 4th dimensional shape...I don't mind religious organizations being tax except but embezzling over 100,000,000 per day of worldwide taxes, indoctrination of the youth and unsupervised geoengineering has to end!
"Halsey's - Sorry" + "Isabel Stevens's - Shallow" cover versions by local performer (if anyone knows her contact details please do advise, as I forgot to inquire)
"The Globe's a Lie" by Double Oh 7
3rd song by monks in a temple in Hampi, India
Dreams and Reality + Conscious Minds by D.V.G aka The Cotch
Instagram: @memdvg
A4 FLYER for EXPERIMENTS (High/Print quality)
A4 FLYER for Raising Awareness (High/Print quality)
A4 FLYER for EXPERIMENTS (Online/Screen quality)
A4 FLYER for Raising Awareness (Online/Screen quality)

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