Wide Angle with Brendon Fallon ~ Last Power? ~ 13th December 2020.

4 years ago

Wide Angle with Brendon Fallon ~ 13th December 2020.

Trump to use Presidential Power ~ We The People betrayed by Supreme Court.

Up until January 6th, when Congress officially counts the Electoral College votes, there’s still time to seek redress of the election “result” within the system President Trump’s attorney, Jenna Ellis, has emphasized. In this episode we take a moment to consider the deeper reasons for the rejection of the Texas lawsuit and the motives of the Supreme Court in avoiding judgement on an issue many consider well within its jurisdiction. We consider the options, including those still within the judicial system, that are now open to the Trump camp.

America certainly faces a uniquely divisive situation at present, but it is not entirely without historical precedent, some of which might be drawn on for inspiration and understanding of the current time. The way that “We the People”—from the President, to the members of the state legislatures to the average person—choose to deal with this situation will have resounding consequences not just for America, but for the world at large.

Never Back Down! Never Lose Faith! Never Give Up!

🏍Godspeed President🏆Donald J Trump🏆🏍

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Wide Angle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzTvzwt3CAj2RhjQO2OmxMw?sub_confirmation=1

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