Trump's Triumphs 6: The FBI's Cover-Up & D.O.J.'s Debacle "Barr None" Suffers A "Supreme's" Defeat.

4 years ago

What Happened to our A.G. Bill Barr, is he corrupt or just compromised? Why you don't Want Our FBI or D.O.J. anywhere near the election fraud case of Donald J. Trump. The swamp braces for a 2nd blockbuster term. while team Trump courts the Supremes.
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Jeffrey A. Tucker
November 20, 2020

Trump's Triumphs 5: Demon-Rats Beware, God's Comming To Judge You & Yours...

And Remember...
It's Very Simple...

Do Not Let The
Names Of The
Demons Cross
Your Lips.

Use God, And
Christ, and Never
jesus, lord, allah
hashem, jehovah,
adonay, etc...

So That They,
The Enemy's
Of God, Will
No Longer Be

They are Real,
so Don't Pray
To Them...

When You Do
It's Like Having
The Enemy
Tapping Your
Phone and
Listening In On
Your Prayers To
God Giving
Them Power
To Bring satan
Into Your Life.

And Even Though
God Knows Your
Heart Is Right,
You Are Still
Disobeying His
Word With

Do Not Let
The Names Of
The Demons
Cross Your Lips
Exodus 23:13...

In Other Words
Bill Gates
And His Ilk,
are nothing more
than Brains
Without souls.

They Are Not
they Can be
easily influenced
by the Pagan
Synagogues and
Pagan Churches,
They are Spiritual.
Actually ½
Pagan Spiritual
and ½ Physical
like The Gates
and Fouci's
of The World...

As a result,
they exchange
between each other.
But God is Always
in Charge and
Stops Short
all the Messes
they Make
of Our World...
The Mask Is Now
The real
Killer in Every Flu
Season since We are
“Harvesting All The
Bad Microbes Around Us”
and Placing them where
We Least Want Them.

The Mask Brings and
Holds The Bacteria That
Causes Pneumonia
To A Place, Where
Weakened By The
Mask, We are Most
Susceptible to All
Harmful Bacteria.
The Bodies Immune
System Functioning
Properly To Combat it.

So the Next Time
You Hear of a Mask
Mandate what your
Hearing Is A Self-fulfilling
Prophecy Exponentially
Increasing the Number
Of People Who Get
The flu Virus In flu
Season and The
Resulting Bacterial
Pneumonia That actually
Kills Us.

Deaths Of Pneumonia
vs. Influenza Deaths,
In the United States...
Year by Year...
2008-2009 =
473 Influenza
129,880 Pneumonia.
2009-2010 =
2,691 Influenza
130,451 Pneumonia.
2010-2-11 =
1,894 Influenza
136,161 Pneumonia.
2011-2012 =
665 Influenza
126,177 Pneumonia.
2012-2013 =
4,541 Influenza
138,092 Pneumonia.
2013-2014 =
4,366 Influenza
126,212 Pneumonia.
2014-2015 =
7,961 Influenza
131,858 Pneumonia...

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