CCP-Virus Pandemic Daily Updates EP322 (Dec 12, 2020)

4 years ago

CCP-Virus Pandemic Daily Updates EP322 (Dec 12, 2020)
📌The US Congress added a clause revoking Section 230 to the NDAA by a vote of 49-46.
📌On the World Human Rights Day, an elderly went to Beijing Letters and Calls Bureau while holding a hand grenade.
📌On the World Human Rights Day, the US Embassy in China issued a post on Weibo calling on the Chinese people: Speak up bravely, stand up!
📌The CCP’s media published an article asking the PLA to be ready for the upcoming war.
📌Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Lee Smith on Chinese spy: The corporate elites’ center of gravity is their relationship to cheap Chinese labor. Those are people who are really calling the shots.
📌Pompeo said consequences should follow the disruptive acts of authoritarian regimes.
📌Dr Patrick Byrne: If you election jack in six counties in America, you can steal the nation. If you steal those six places or even just a few of them, you can flip the states that they’re in.


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