The 12+ Frauds of Lockdown – Sing Along

4 years ago

For the first fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci did decree
he said three-e weeks it would be

For the second fraud of lockdown. ol’ Fauci said to thee
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the third fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci said to thee
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the fourth fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci gave to thee
a screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the fifth fraud the box stores and Bezos made from thee
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
Yep, that one trill made the stock market go up higher than ever before .. for Bezos and his buddies.

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the sixth fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci gave to thee
flaky COVID tests
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
for Bezos and his buddies. You think this lockdown lobby doesn’t want to keep this thing going on and on and on?

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the seventh fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci gave to thee
mean quarantine
flaky COVID tests
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
for Bezos and his buddies. Attention Walmart shoppers. They’re still open

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the eighth fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci gave to thee
millions lost their jobs
mean quarantine
flaky COVID tests
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
for Bezos and his buddies. Maybe you can still get a minimum wage part time job somewhere at Amazon.

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the ninth fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci gave to thee
small business bankrupt
millions lost their jobs
mean quarantine
flaky COVID tests
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
for Bezos and his buddies. Would a controlled demolition of small business look any different than this?

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the tenth fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci gave to thee
no school for children
small business bankrupt
millions lost their jobs
mean quarantine
flaky COVID tests
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
for Bezos and his buddies. Remember when no school for children was child abuse.

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the eleventh fraud of lockdown ol’ Fauci gave to thee
granny dies alone
no school for children
small business bankrupt
millions lost their jobs
mean quarantine
flaky COVID tests
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
for Bezos and his buddies. If this pandemic is so deadly, why are so many “officials” not doing what they are ordering you to do.

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be

For the twelfth fraud of lockdown big brother gave us more
do as your told
don’t do as we do
fear-porn forever
crummy Christmas curfew
cheater mail in ballots
force vaccine plans
can’t sing in Church
hide real science
nosey contact tracing
granny dies alone
no school for children
small business bankrupt
millions lost their jobs
mean quarantine
flaky COVID tests
One Trillion bucks

(Solo comment)
for you know who. Just think of this as a French Laundry … list … of lockdown fraud

(Chorus continues)
screwy death count rising
do wear a mask
don’t wear a mask
and he said three-e weeks it would be.

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