Fan Film - Human Survival Trailer (AvP2)

3 years ago

Uploaded for archival purposes.


Well first of all im [RW]Quest{LGen} long time fan of the alien and predator movies and long time player of avp2. Half-a year ago I decided to write a story entitled Human Survival it took 3 months to finish; i have included the story however it is nto properly punctuated. After I fnished the movie i thought it would be great to produce a movie aswell. Instead of other fan fict films i decided to use fraps to record the shots while in multipleyer wanted and get various friends to do voices for the movie. What I have included in this RAR is the Trailer which is a preview of the film. You will probably notice that i have used clips from the single palyer as i ahve no idea to do dropship shots my self. WEll enjoy the trailer people please email me ur comments at:

Also drop by my clan website at :

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