Hot Attic In Summer - Attic Retrofitting Lights

4 years ago

Phil is retrofitting attic lights to LED. WOW it gets hot in the attic in summer.

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#homerepair #hotattic #lightrepairs

This is another example of all the different things. Obviously, this is not in a mobile home’s attic. And if you go in a basement of a mobile home, there's wheels anyway. We're in, we're retrofitting led from fluorescent changing fluorescence to LED and we'll climb up in the attic. So we got into a discussion about how hot it was. This is actually not when we went up last time.

So it's cooler because it's earlier. But right now we're shooting about 101.8 and we're going to go back further into the gates. So we'll get back with you in just a minute. Well, we're deep into the belly of the beast and early part of the day. So now I'm reading about 102 and getting warmer all time I've been up in here for a later time later. I guess I'm losing my memory, but it has been a later in the day we were measuring way higher and I've been in attics and we're over 140, which is dangerous.

So now we're going to go ahead and cut down our odds of getting in trouble and head downstairs.

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