How Marxists took over the Netherlands | Yuri Bezmenov & ideological subversion

4 years ago
225 ✅ How Marxists took over the Netherlands | Yuri Bezmenov & ideological subversion ✅

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Western nations are in decline. This can be traced back to the long march through the institutions of marxist-minded individuals who back in the day often were supporters of the Soviet Union. After the fall of the Soviet Union, they shifted their focus towards the culture.

Yuri Bezmenov speaks about ideological subversion and describes how the Soviet Union did it's best to ideologically destroy Western nations. Even though the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore, the effect remained and there even has been a snowball effect. Many Western nations have gone through a process of indoctrination.

The effects of ideological subversion or brainwashing with cultural marxism, you can see with your own eyes. However, it is difficult to describe the exact process and to exactly determine who was involved.
Perhaps cultural marxism is therefore best described as a 'spirit of the age', a zeitgeist.

In this video, I do my best to describe this process in my own country the Netherlands (or what is left of it).


Paul Nielsen

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