Kiril Chukanov Demonstrates Ball Lightning

3 years ago

Kiril Chukanov demonstrating sustained ball lighting with his "quantum energy dragon" modified microwave set-up.
There is no electrode like the SAFIRE Project. Only a ball of plasma in his chamber.
"Plasma gas occupies the total available volume."
On the first run, the pressure does not change because it is the same amount of gas in the chamber. It's normal air pressure. When he cuts off the plasma and microwave, the atmospheric pressure remains the same.
But... the second time, he turns it on... then he injects air to make positive pressure. While the ball lightning is already manifested he injects air.
When the plasma is cut off, it reduces pressure drastically even though he filled it with gas. (Not sure what type of gas)
I think he's saying that the plasma ball is pushing air away.
That the newly incoming air cannot penetrate the already ionized plasma ball(?)
But when he cuts the power, the displacement of the surface area of the plasma ball ceases... therefore, there is more space for the surrounding gas that was pumped in to occupy.
So it pushes from the corners where it was compressed and then fills the space where the plasma ball occupied.
Reducing the pressure on the meter.
Say you have a sphere with a boundary/ surface/ meniscus/ density.
And that sphere is inside a cube shaped chamber.
When you pump air in... the pressure will build around the sphere.
And that is what the pressure gauge is showing.
He pumps in air... and the meter goes up.
But the air is restricted to the corners. Around the plasma sphere.
And when he cuts the power... it's like the sphere just disappears and now you have that much more space to relax the compressed gas.
So the meter goes down quickly when the gas shifts to occupy the space where the impenetrable spherical surface was preventing it before.
Like blowing up a balloon with your lungs underwater.
And then sucking in the air from the balloon really fast.
The total volume of water will rush to fill the void where the balloon was occupying, and then slap together.

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