Spirit Guides Who Curse, with Channelers Bear & Rainbow

4 years ago

Spontaneously recorded, channelers, Bear & Rainbow talk about other channelers, mediums, & entities they channel with regards to different experiences, intentions, synchronicities, and ironies. Channelers Bear & Rainbow talk to spirit guides for healing and problem solving. Do they have their own personalities? Do they change their lingo when their audience changes? Let's find out.

Tom Murasso

Veronica Torres

How can shamanic healing & empowerment benefit you?

You'll have more ease and grace to honing every quality you want in yourself from peace, strength, love, joy, leadership, contribution, fulfillment, affluence, compassion, confidence, stewardship, discipline, vitality, balance, mojo, faith, rejuvenation, courage, liberation, power, influence, forgiveness, connectedness, passion, clarity, intuition, and so much more of everything positive you wish for.

You can uncover answers to your questions on to how you need to live your life for self-actualization. Mirror what is already in your subconscious mind so you can heal whatever personal healing pops up. Master yourself by freeing yourself by self-imposed beliefs, personal experiences, society, ancestral and DNA coding. Become your own captain so you can sail your boat in any situation in both physical and spiritual worlds.

Shamanic healing & spiritual advise are one of the things both Bear & Rainbow do for fun and empowerment. Do you want a shamanic healing, channeling, Medicine Card reading, or spiritual advise to be taught how to do it yourself? Massage is optional. Bear & or Rainbow may be available if you're the right match for these
shamanic services.

Bear & Rainbow do not enable victim-hood. They teach people how to
fish so they can fish for themselves & teach others the same.
Leaders creating leaders. It is not predictive, it is merely empowering
guidance. For effectiveness, it is an ongoing work in progress, not a one time fix all.

For a phone, Skype, or in person for healing, Medicine Card reading, channeling, or how to do it yourself series of sessions, contact http://BearAndRainbow.com/contact .

You can subscribe free to Bear & Rainbow's personal development newsletter with shamanic edge at:

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