Emily and Jackie with..... Our First Guest EVER! Talking Vaccines!

4 years ago

Elka joins us as our first guests and expertise with Vaccines. After learning on her own with her children and waking up to what really is going on with kids today and how the kids we grew up with were not as susceptible to allergies, ADHD, etc.

Today we talk COVID vaccine, which is forefront to us all. This is not about anti vaccines, it is about CHOICE for vaccines. To be ahead of the game, YOU must do your own research. Do not rely on doctors, they are expected to be specialist of everything and that is a hard and wide knowledge base, especially for a pediatrician.

Request your paperwork, fill out this form online to show that you do not have to get the vaccine! And for each family member! Request 5 for each person in your family.

Texans for Vaccine Choice. This is VERY important to stay on top of everything around vaccinations that is going on. Can schools vaccinate your children? They will keep you up to date! Follow them, and donations are welcome! These are people working for us!

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