喬治亞格溫內特縣督票員 :各類選票票數圖表 沒有軍人選票類別 無人得知情況| #大紀元新聞網

3 years ago

1203喬治亞格溫內特縣督票員 :
The categories for which you have the absentee ballots, the present date ballots, the provisional ballots, they didn't have a category for the military.
And I thought that was so very important, because then I asked who's counting the military votes? They said it was in the duplicates
Well, from what I understand is because they didn't get sent, right, the right ballots,
because the ballots that can go in the scanner, no, they did it way before the count.
They did it before the recount, no, because they didn't tell anybody that they did the Military ballots separate from the absentee ballot from the day of voting, you know, from the provision of change.
您看這裡有缺席投票 當日投票 臨時投票的類別 卻沒有軍人投票的類別
我認為這很重要 我就問誰在點算軍人選票?
但是好吧 據我了解 是因為他們沒有得到正確的選票
因爲選票是要經掃描輸入系統的 但他們已經在事先就做好了這部分 早在計票之前就做好了
在重新計票之前就做好了 但是他們卻沒有告訴任何人,他們已經將軍人選票分開統計

We have no idea, you know, all we do know that its staff, you know, who did the duplicate ballots?
And that's a big question mark, because I don't know if there were any monitors.
So the military all around the world.
I just found out yesterday that there was a Navy man who was just so happy he was 19 years old, lived in in Georgia, about putting his ballot in when he went to go check on the system. His ballot was not counted.

我們完全不知道 這些員工中 誰在處理複製選票 這真是一個很大的疑問
因爲我不知道(對這部分計票)有沒有任何監管 這涉及在世界各地的軍人
我昨天剛發現 有一個海軍人員,他之前很高興因為他終於19歲可以投票了 他住在佐治亞州
當他去系統檢查時 卻發現他的選票並未計入

So I really want to hone in on that. To me, that's huge.
Yes, that's, that's huge.Like, where's that military ballot? And why don't we have a category and I'm going to show you, you have Election Day, you have advanced voting, you have absentee by mail and you have provisional, there is no space for military or there's no space for duplicates.
No, they didn't say anything.

所以我真的很想去弄清楚怎麼回事 對我來說 這是一個巨大的困擾
是的 非常巨大的困擾 那些軍人選票去了哪裡?為什麼沒有類別?
您看這個報表 這裡有選舉日投票 有提前投票 有缺席郵寄選票 有臨時投票
卻沒有一欄用於軍人選票 也沒有複製選票的欄
沒有 他們什麼都沒說

But if they put it in absentee by mail, the bottom line is the absentees came by email, and they came by mail.
But if some military ballots didn't get to them, and they were considered as duplicates,
you would have to have a separate column, right?
Because they're not actually absentee mail ballots, because you tampered with them.
You had to create a duplicate, so you would have to have another category for being duplicate military.
如果他們把(軍人選票)算作是郵寄過來的缺席選票 重要的是缺席選票是通過電子郵件和郵寄收到的
#軍人選票 #缺席選票 #

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