Sen. Ron Johnson, COVID-19 Truth Seeker, 3393

4 years ago

I’m still reporting on the virus.
What a year 2020 has been so far. The only word that most completely sums up what we in the news business have endured this year is a word from the old Superman comic books: bizarro.
It means where everything is opposite; the search for truth has become the search for believable fake news.
If the New York times runs a story, we no longer think of it as the newspaper of record; it has become the fake news of record. I know that's a harsh judgment, but it's proven to be true day after day after day.
On Tuesday, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, chaired a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
Here was how Sen. Johnson’s hometown newspaper spun the story:
“ [the hearing] drew heavy fire from some medical experts and from Democrats, who largely skipped it, blasting it as anti-science and calling no witnesses of their own.”
That pretty much says it all for the desperados approach to the truth these days – dismiss it, trash it, then move on.
Just a few years ago Democrats would have been all over such an approach - I mean supporting it totally! Alternative medicine? For decades they were totally on board with that!
But sadly, no more! The truth is now inconsequential; there is only room for power grabbing aboard the desperados’ Choo Choo train.
Here was the desperado dismissal BEFORE the hearing got underway:
“We are facing a dangerous barrage of misinformation that ignores evidence and dismisses a scientific process undermining our national response and belief in science,” declared a group of medical and scientific experts in advance of the hearing.
So they don’t want to hear the evidence of truth, which they label as falsehoods before hearing evidence that just may have slipped past their unscrupulous, politically-motivated analysis?
Sen. Ron Johnson was first elected to the United States Senate in 2010. He was thought to be the most vulnerable Republican Senator in the 2016 election, but thanks to the support of candidate Trump, won a narrow re-election victory.
From an anti-big-pharma perspective, Sen. Johnson’s opening statement rings of medical truth and we hope he decides to seek re-election in 2022.
[insert Sen. Johnson]
Sen. Johnson is what we call a ‘good ole boy’. Very humble roots. Had to work his way through college with a full-time job to get his humble business degree. Now that’s tough!
He’s relying on the common sense that the good Lord gave him – better known as the Holy Spirit.
The Desperado’s claim that they are relying on science. Really, what they are relying on is whatever part of science makes a lot of money for big pharma.
Sen. Johnson just blasted their false equation to smithereens. I think the subsequent witnesses will not be favored by the Desperado party, so I will be forced to post their comments – the truth - on only. If interested, jump on over there.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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