African Tortoise Eats Yummy Flower ^_^

3 years ago

Tonka is a rescue African Geochelone sulcata tortoise (African Spurred Tortoise) who was lost or abandoned and ended up wandering a dry lake bed. I was called to retrieve him, but after months of searching for his previous owner, no one ever claimed him. These large tortoises are often stolen by thieves who believe they will make a lot of money off of them, and then they learn they really can't. They often dumped by immoral owners when they start growing big like this. And they often also escape, because they are very powerful animals that can tunnel under fences or bust right through them in some cases. They take a lot of effort and dedication to keep them safe, and they need space to live. Because of the maintenance required, I would not have personally chosen Tonka as a pet, but he is a sanctuary resident now of the rescue and I would trade nothing for him, and he has brightened my days in recent years that he is here. But it hasn't been easy keeping up with him at times.

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