What Exactly has Trump done for the Black Community?

4 years ago

In 2016, Donald Trump received a slightly higher share of the black vote than did Mitt Romney in 2012 or John McCain in 2008. But he still received just 8 percent.

Now black support for Trump is in the mid-30s. While a 30 percent approval rating doesn’t necessarily translate into a 30 percent vote-share from black Americans in 2020, 30 percent approval is significant. Even if black support for Trump were in the mid-teens on election day, that could swing states like Michigan, Florida, and even Minnesota solidly into Trump’s camp.

On this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything, we look into the what the mainstream media wont tell us: what exactly has President Trump done for the black community?

For further info on what is discussed, visit https://www.truth-podcast.com

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