SK_Core - AvP2 Custom Map (Complete Playthrough)

4 years ago

Aliens vs Predator 2 singleplayer custom map titled "SK_Core".

Map author: Joao Alves aka JP54

Map review:

This is a skirmish map where you play in an exosuit trying to survive endless hordes of alien (drone and runner) enemies. Unfortunately, the map isn't too playable as there are major fps drops. Thus, shooting a single drone with an exosuit mini-gun is harder than it looks. Furthermore, the map is a bit buggy. As demonstrated in the first round, there is only one drone that keeps respawning. On the second round, the same drone gets stuck in the elevator lift, but this time all the other aliens spawn at once. Fortunately, you can fix the lift by jumping back on the platform and jumping out. The difficulty is also worth mentioning. If you run around in a circle, you pretty much never get hurt. I destroyed my exosuit both times to end the round out of boredom. The map had potential, but it could have been better.

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