China paid Smartmatic 400 million to rig American election: Sidney Powell

4 years ago

Jorge Rodriguez, Khalil Majid Majzoubm Gustavo Reyes-Zumeta,and Antonio Magica- Smarmatic / Dominion folks
You say these four individuals led the effort to rig this election. They designed and developed the Dominion and Smartmatic programs and machines that include a controller model that allows them to people to log into them and manipulate even as it is happening. We are finding more and more evidence of this. We have realms of documents on smartmatic and dominion including evidence that they planned and executed all of this. We know that 400 million of money came into Smartmatic from China a few weeks before the election. That there are George Soros connections to the entire endeavour. Lord Malik Brown was part of it. Eric Coomer, who holds patents on some of the software and works out of the Denver office I believe. We know that one of the smartmatic people went to Tarant country Texas and turned that county blue. We have evidence on how they flipped the votes, how they designed it to flip the votes and all of that has been happening just as we have said it has been happening. We have communication between them and all different kinds of messages that indicate their involvement in. Its a massive amount of information to go through. We will be releasing more and more of it by the day. ..and also the connections with the Chinese and other countries who attacked us in this massive Pear Harbour as we called it.
You say that Jorge Rodriguez is the ringleader.
Well we’ve known that the entire system for benefit of Hugo Chavez to rig elections and then was passed onto Maduro to do the same. It was then sent to other countries in order to sell elections to the highest bidder.

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