Mountain Man Sunscreen

4 years ago

Nopales is the Spanish name for Prickly Pear Cactus pads. Prickly Pear Cactus are members of the Opuntia genus, and produce both nopales, a vegetable, and tuna, a fruit. First Americans used Nopales to poultice bruises and dress wounds.The inside of the paddles (fresh or old) make an amazing skin poultice. Split in half and applied topically. The fresh poultice treats cuts, scrapes, rashes, bruises, sunburns, and snakebites! Reconnecting to traditional ways of caring for our health is fun and liberating and empowers us to develop a deep connection to our surroundings. once you hit an SPF of 10 then 90% the percent of UVB rays are blocked. After that, the percent of UVB blocked doesn’t go up very much as the SPF numbers go up.

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