The Bidens Will Go Straight on Jan. 20th, 3391

3 years ago

I’m still reporting on the Biden family.

What a coincidence - less than a month after the voting stopped, in one of the hottest presidential elections in history, it is announced that both Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and his brother Jim, are under investigation.
The timing is incredibly beneficial for Joe Biden, imagine if the announcement had come the week before the election, would that have made a difference? Probably not because the mainstream media where most Americans still get their news wouldn’t have reported it, just as the MSM didn’t report on Hunter Biden’s laptop or his extensive Chinese connections before the election.
Politico reported today that surprise, surprise the investigation into Hunter Biden is more extensive than Hunter Biden indicated in his press release, yesterday. Politico however, did not say “surprise, surprise.”
According to an article in Politico, “The federal investigation into President-elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter has been more extensive than a statement from Hunter Biden indicates, according to a person with firsthand knowledge of the investigation.”
Politico also reports that “the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York also scrutinized Hunter Biden’s finances, according to the person with direct knowledge of the investigation. The person said that, as of early last year, investigators in Delaware and Washington were also probing potential money laundering and Hunter Biden’s foreign ties. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.”
And that’s not all, Politico also reports that “In addition to the probe into Hunter Biden, federal authorities in the Western District of Pennsylvania are conducting a criminal investigation of a hospital business in which Joe Biden’s brother James was involved. Federal officials have asked questions about James Biden's role in the business, according to a second person with direct knowledge of that investigation, who said it remains ongoing.”
It’s another example of what President Donald Trump has been up against since he took residence in the White House on Jan. 20, 2016. These investigations didn’t start on Nov. 4, but there was no mention of them in the MSM until the MSM felt that Joe Biden was safely elected president, or at least until no one could vote for him. And if the first sentence of this report seemed wrong, in some states ballots that reached the various Boards of Elections as late as Nov. 12 were still counted. So in those states the final tallies couldn’t possibly be made until the evening of Nov. 12 or Nov. 13.
This report on the investigations of Hunter Biden and Jim Biden, note that “there is no indication that Joe Biden himself is under investigation.”
Before this latest announcement Joe Biden had said, “My son, my family will not be involved in any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict, with inappropriate distance from the presidency and government.”
If Joe Biden sticks to that it would be a far different practice than when Joe Biden was vice president. Certainly Hunter Biden’s involvement with the corrupt Ukrainian oil company Burisma, has the appearance of impropriety, since at the time Vice President Joe Biden was the point man on Ukraine for the Obama administration.
Even if you accept the explanation that there was no wrong doing, for Joe Biden to order the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired, when Hunter Biden was being paid by Burisma one of the corrupt companies under investigation, undoubtedly has the appearance of impropriety.
As does Hunter Biden traveling with his father the Vice President on an official government trip to China where Hunter Biden made business contacts with Chinese companies. Even if you believe that Hunter Biden was just hitching a ride on Air Force 2, to save the air fare, it appears to be improper.
The question is if Hunter Biden and Jim Biden are going to be forced not to have any business dealings that appear improper, what will they do?

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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