Depth Camera Central Volume 21-PART 1Intel RealSense L515 iPad Pro LiDAR Review

4 years ago

Welcome to Depth Camera Central, Volume 21-Part 1!

I discuss the new Intel Corporation Real Sense L515 & Apple iPad Pro LiDAR based imaging systems.

L515 +details:
-IR laser projector EEL operating at 860 nm.

-2 MP Camera OmniVision Technologies, Inc. (OV2740)

-Power Management Analog Devices (LTC3370)

-Accelerometer/Gyroscope Bosch USA (BMI085)

-MEMS Mirror STMicroelectronics (PM56A die)

Part 2, to be uploaded later tonight, delves into the iPad sensor directly.

Multi-Camera configurations with the L515:

When I reference LBS MEMS is better suited for the automotive market (today), that doesn’t mean the technology will not be utilized in hybrid designs via spatial computing whereas future iterations will most definitely alleviate past/current product limitations.
MEMS is an absolute engineering integration disruptor in numerous vertical markets around the world but I believe the first significant transformative innovation will be in the automotive sector.

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