APOCalypse 2500™ ​ Post-apocalyptic Tabletop RPG

4 years ago

APOCalypse 2500™ is a tabletop role-playing game, set in a post-apocalyptic future world of sci-fi technology and ancient magic. 400 years after the vortex the great nations of the world are gone, the planet has changed, and ancient magic and magical has returned to a modern high tech earth. In 22nd century scientists blunder : The Vortex forms : Magical species appear : Accelerated continental drift happens : Neo-Pangaea forms : War happens : Nations fail, feudalism arises : Time passes : It is now the year 2500 and your adventure begins...
This game is designed for 2 or more persons and requires dice.
www.apocalypse2500.com Available as hard copy / download

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