Make The Choice

4 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement It is our choice; we stay where we are or we can choose to grow through. What are you facing right now that has you stuck between staying or growing? Is it a choice between sadness or happiness? Happiness is a choice to grow through sadness and find joy, it is a choice between exhaustion or strength. Is it a choice between good or bad? Bad is a choice for bondage, to know now power higher than self, good is a choice for truth and the freedom truth brings is powerful. Is it a choice to forgive or not forgive? Forgiveness is a choice for peace and a soul filled with light while unforgiveness is a choice for bitterness that can take root in your soul, making your emotions dark. What is your choice you need to make to go with God today and grow through? Thank God for your free will. Thank God He has made you free to choose. Think up. Pray it up. Make the next right choice. God bless you.

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