Children Being Sacraficed

4 years ago

Wearing these masks are "NOT" what anyone of us intended on doing for the "WHOLE DAMN YEAR OF 2020"! Especially with me and my big ass black lips being pressed against these masks that are not really intended for all ethnicities to be worn for more than a few hours per day 😷🥵. I tend to get super dehydrated and my lips get super dry and on bad breathe days I often feel putride 🤮 from smelling my own shit from back firing in these contraptions lol. But, I must say when I think about my children(s) lives being put at risk or in harms way, or if something was to happen because of me, I honestly don't know if I would be able to forgive my self. So, I always think if not for you, then go the extra mile for them.

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