Can I Change Medicare Supplement Plans at Any Time?

4 years ago

Can I Change Medicare Supplement Plans at Any Time?

Medicare Supplement Plans have Rate Increases each year so it's important to know when you can change!

The most frequently asked question that we get here at is “Can I change Medicare supplement plans at any time?” The answer to this is absolute yes!

If you currently have a Medicare supplement plan or you plan on enrolling in one, at any time during the year you can change to a different company.

Whether you’re not happy with the coverage, or you get a rate increase and you’d like to switch companies to save money, regardless of what month it is you can absolutely change your Medigap plan. We can help!

Why would you want to change? Well, keep in mind that all Medicare supplement plans are created equal regardless of which company carries the plan.

This means that a Medicare supplement plan G from Mutual of Omaha is identical to a Plan G from Aetna. They can vary widely in how much they cost per month.

Combined with the fact that you get rate increases each year from each company, makes it a wise decision to change plans should your rate get too high.

Here at we do that for you and shop the rates each year for our clients! There’s never a fee for our services but our clients love it because we are always watching the rates for them and make sure they don’t overpay.

We make the process as easy as possible when changing plans and we make sure you are well taken care of from start to finish.

Many people also ask us if they can change to a Medicare supplement plan and leave their Medicare advantage plan. You can make this change however you can only switch during what is called the annual election period, or AEP, each year.

This period runs from October 15 through December 7 and during this time people are able to disenroll from their advantage plan and switch back to original Medicare in a Medicare supplement plan.

Regardless if you currently have a supplement plan and you’d like to switch because your rates have gone too high, or you have a Medicare Advantage plan even if it’s not during the enrollment period by all means give us a call today.

We’re an independent agency that shops the rates from all of the top companies and we can help save you the most money possible!

Call us today at 1-888-891-0229 to get started. There is never a fee for our service!

#Medicare #MedicareSupplementPlans #MedicareSupplement

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