No, Joe Biden isn't "President Elect"

4 years ago

On the same day allegations of voter fraud appear to be substantiated (see our earlier report today on Democrats using software to change the votes), the media was quick to declare Joe Biden quote “President Elect”.

But we knew this would happen.

It seems like a major stunt to redirect the focus of the election, and further demean the Republican party’s allegations of apparent fraud. And it looks EXTREMELY desperate. Which should make Trump supporters very happy, as it would indicate a major impending victory that the left is afraid of.

Rudy Guliani today announced massive lawsuits being filed on Monday in the state of Pennsylvania and in other states that will likely result (not in the lower courts but the higher ones) in a drastic change in results.

One such lawsuit provides up to 60 witnesses of legal Republican observers who were denied access to the votes as required by law.

And we all know Nancy Pelosi set the stage weeks ago when she said they were prepared to remove The President if he quote “refused to accept the results of the election”. Which is they spin on him contesting it, because they know fraud was committed.

It’s all a big setup. And justice will prevail.

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