Every Business Is Accentual | Stop The Lockdowns – Ep56

4 years ago

Every business is accentual to the person it provides pay for. The government has no right to articulate what businesses can operate! Stand up people and take your local states and towns back by voting these communist dictators out of office! #StopTheLockdowns

Correction For What I think is on this video!

I made a statement that I had read an article that said 60 million were infected with Sar in 2009. That was a mistake on my part, the article was talking about Covid19 SARS-CoV-2 estimating that 60 million may have already contracted Covid 19, not Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-Cov) one it was in 2003 when SARS-CoV infected 8098 people with 774 death according to the CDC and it was more deadly than Covid19 SARS-CoV-2 but didn't spread easily. You didn't spread it before you showed any symptoms. The 2009 pandemic was actually H1N1 swine flu. Harder to catch and you could not spread it before showing symptoms. I like to be accurate and when I find myself incorrect I have no issue with corrections ;-)

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