Hollywood Vampires

4 years ago

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In this video we learn about the West Memphis Three Murders, and HBO documentary series… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Memphis_Three . What I find disturbing about the Memphis Three Murders is the connection to Satanic Ritual Abuse(SRA), and Hollywoods immediate and overwhelming support to protect the convicted Murder Suspects.

Many of the celebrities, musicians, producers, and directors aka Johny Depp, Peter Jackson, Natalie Maines, Eddie Ved­der, Jack Black, and Henry Rollins to name a few; not only supported it, but funded a retrial, exhaustive investigations, DNA tests, and a new series of documentaries to use as a weapon against the Arkansas Legal System, and pursued the court of public opinion in order to over turn the Murder Convictions.

Many of these Hollywood Celebrities such as Peter Jackson are not Americans, so why would Peter Jackson care about what happens in Arkansas USA?

So, Lets ask the question, What was these Hollywood Celebrities motive to help the West Memphis Three overturn the Murder Conviction from 1990’s?

The answer is obvious, at worst they are Satanic worshipers protecting their own members, or at best sympathetic to Satanism, and or hostility to Christianity as the result of some kind of Atheism.

To answer this question, we examine Johny Depps & Peter Jacksons relationship to Damien Echols who continues to practice Satanic Magic, and give interviews on national television about his time in Jail and the legal system.

We also examine Johny Depp’s friendship with other Hollywood Celebrities/Satanic figures such as Marilyn Manson, and Hunter S Thompson who all appear to be Satanic followers…

I’m reminded Johny Depps portrayal of Hunter S Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vagas depicts Drug and Alcoholism fueled Satanic Ritual while also consuming Adrenochrome which is a chemical compound C9 H9 NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline derived from the Human Body.

To this day, I never understood peoples fascination with Hunter S Thompson who appears to be a horrible human being who lived a disgusting life; However, perhaps that was the point, Hunter S Thompson represents the worst of Humanity, and the anger many people harbor towards the rest of Humanity, especially Christianity.

Also, Marylyn Manson’s music and influence has long been connected to the Satanic Panic of the 1980’s and 1990’s school shootings which continued on into the 2000’s, as the result of bowling for columbine…

Even Marylyn Manson says, he was an easy to identify scape goat to blame for the bowling for columbine school shootings because his music videos represent everything society is afraid of. However, I would argue it’s not what society is afraid of, but what society finds disgusting and evil, because of its corrupting effect on the youth.

In sum, I think the reason Hollywood helped the Memphis Three is because those who involved themselves are sympathetic to Satanism.


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